Friday, August 24, 2018

All the Frills: The Office Shrine

Well, somewhere along the way, somehow, I managed to turn my little office nook into a shrine to Eleanor. Seems about right.

Weekend Reading:


Closet Fashionista said...

How can you not make it a shrine to that cutie! Hehe :D

Cee said...

One of the things I always loved/found funny about working in a cubicle office environment is how every cubicle inevitably becomes a shrine to a child or pet. With kids it goes seem more natural - walking into a cubicle with seventeen pictures of a cat always gave me a good laugh, though ;)

Kinga K. said...

Nice office <3

JennaStevie said...

Your work space is awesome, so many cute baby photos and surrounded by awesome ladies from history. Perfect.
That lady must have been flashed one too many times, not letting it go this time!
I got so frustrated reading that honey badger article, I just can't. Those women are so frustrating

Nina Kobi said...

Your iffice space looks so nice and organized.

Nina's Style Blog

Lorena said...

Awwww the Eleonor shrine ! and I cannot belive someone stole a shark.