Monday, July 6, 2020

Business on Top, Party on the Bottom

Welcome to a photographic self-study I’d calling “my hair gets ever crazier and people can only see me on Zoom from the waist up so leggings and runners it is.” I expect there will be many more editions of this self-study in the coming weeks. It's basically the mullet equivalent of an outfit.

 leggings: Old Navy / shirt: Dynamite / runners: Aldo / velour cardigan: ASOS

Feature: This company makes some pretty cool stuff (and seems like a pretty great company overall). I’m definitely eyeing a few of their kids items for Eleanor. 


Closet Fashionista said...

Haha, doesn't look too much like a mullet outfit to me, still perfectly stylish in those bottoms!

Lydia said...

Haha, I just read a whole article on people's 'zoom shirts' that live next to their computers and are worn for every zoom meeting, and no one notices.

Cee said...

You know, maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I've only ever once bothered with a "Zoom shirt." I quickly learned that no one notices or, in my line of work, cares how anyone looks from their home office. Personally, I'm spending more time judging home offices than the people in them. It's so fascinating to see how people decorate (or don't) their spaces! (To me, anyway.)

awhite said...

I love that seafoam color against the black- very cool combo. :)

Le Stylo Rouge